The integration of thought, action and word
Lessons for Leaders from David #319
1 Sam 24. Throughout the discussion of the conversation between Saul and David after they both were outside the cave, we have referred both directly and indirectly to the integration of thought, action and word. The reason men could trust David is because he said what he thought, did what he said and acted according to what he said and thought. David was a model leader. Let us seek to have the same quality of integrity David had—to have our systems, our thoughts, words and actions—integrated.
The reason it would have been difficult to follow Saul was that, among other problems, he was not a man of integrity; his words, thoughts and actions were not consistent with each other as he said one thing, thought another and did yet something else. Who could or would willingly follow a capricious man who changes his direction so often with no well-founded reason other than his own emotion at the moment? This contrast between David and Saul gives us an opportunity to evaluate our own leadership principles. Are we steady in our words, thought and actions or do we change our behavior with the passing of time? People are watching and looking for a consistent leader. Are you one of them?
*Adapted from Lessons for Leaders from David at
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